Sorry for the tardy posting but I accidentally spilled tea on my laptop and fried the logic board! That means no laptop for a few days. Those of you who know me are probably aware of the withdrawal I am currently experiencing. Ha.
Anyway, I don't have access to some fun new pictures of Brooklyn, but I'll upload those as soon as I get my other baby (Lappy the Laptop) back. Little Miss B is performing splendidly as a recent addition to the "feeder and grower" NICU crew. A group of visiting nurses were being shown the NICU today and we overheard someone call B "the miracle baby." She truly, truly is. Brooklyn is now over 4-1/2 pounds and growing like a weed (a cute weed, mind you). In fact, the nurses had to put Brooklyn on a diet, by way of calorie reduction, because she's getting big so fast! This past week B had her biggest jump in weight, length, and head circumference yet. I have some pictures of her weekly growth charts that better illustrate how much she's grown, which I plan to post soon.
In other news, Brooklyn has been breastfeeding like a champ with mom for almost a week now and is doing that whole suck-swallow-breathe thing like a pro. Her next big test is bottle feeding, which begins today. Also, B's Occupational Therapist stopped by yesterday to check on her progress; her motor, alertness, and attentional skills seem to be ahead of schedule. The OT gave Brooklyn some practice playtime exercises which involve 1) sitting up and 2) picking her own head up during tummy time. B is ready, willing and able to get her play on.
Brooklyn has been on the nasal cannula for a week now and is doing well. She's only had a few minor spells where she decides to hold her breath and turn a not-so-lovely shade of blue, but overall she's doing great. She only receives 25cc's of air (we get 21cc's from just normal breathing) from the cannula which is about the equivalent of someone lightly blowing on you from a few feet away...only less annoying.
So this is where we are after 75 days in the NICU with Brooklyn entering her 35th week of gestation. The big question is: when will she get to come home?? Kelly's original due date was April 28th and the nurses all seem to think that B coming home by then is a definite possibility. Kelly thinks she'll be coming home in 4 weeks - a week early. Let the betting begin!