Tuesday, June 29, 2010

glimpses of a bigger B

Happy summer, everyone! Sorry for the lack of posts this month, but we've been busy doing summery type things* and whatnot.

Here's the latest Brooklyn update:
  1. The wee one is not so wee anymore - she's growing like crazy!
  2. B has been walking (rather than crawling) more and more each day.
  3. Her vocabulary primarily consists of "DOGGIE", "DUCK", "MINE", "MAMA", and "BALL". Are there really any other essential words to know? I mean, come on.
  4. On a similar note, she understands SO much more when we speak with her. It's crazy to see her respond when you ask her something.
  5. B's dancing skills have improved tremendously. Her repertoire has expanded from flailing limbs to a more refined sense of movement that stems from feelin' it in the gut!
  6. Brooklyn remains a sweet soul, waving and blowing kisses to all (human and duck alike).
Lastly, I have started to capture glimpses of what Brooklyn will look like when she's older. The photo taken below was the first time I felt shocked by how quickly my daughter has turned from a baby into a little girl. Sure, everyone tells you "don't blink because if you do they'll be in college before you know it," but this never had a felt sense to me until the other day when I looked at this picture of my growing girl. It's cliche but it really does happen so fast! I am excited for the next stage of Brooklyn's development and exploration, but PLEEEEASE can it slow down just a little? Pretty please?


* Summery things include (but are not limited to): lemonade, watermelon, beaches, sweating profusely, grilling mahi mahi for fish taco night, and copious amounts of ice cream.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

jam session 2010!

Brooklyn feels the beat. I absolutely love this video of her.

afternoon jam session from Sean Lorenz on Vimeo.