Thursday, February 17, 2011

Soren (in moving form)

I just realized that we haven't posted a video of Soren yet. Silly us. Well, yesterday was certainly the day to have the video camera handy because Soren was all kinds of awake, taking in his new digs outside mom. It was great to finally see him open his eyes and look around for more than two seconds. See!

As for Soren's health things are progressing well. His PDA closed in his heart, so he only has a VSD hole left which is very common in preemies this size and tends to close on its own over time. Also, Soren had a clear brain ultrasound and his head looks superb! What else...oh, he has started getting mom's milk through a tube and is back up to his birth weight and starting to pack on the ounces. Lastly, Soren is breathing like a champ. The nurses believe he should be getting a test run with no CPAP in only a few days time; that means he'll be breathing all on his own with no fancy head gear. Here's hoping he is up for the challenge.

1 comment:

  1. He is beautiful Sean and Kelly and so glad he is progressing well. I pray for each of you often and loved to see the picture of Soren this morning. Keep them coming!!
    Love to you all from Ohio,
    Aunt Shelly and Uncle Cook
