Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Our baby has learned that she can scream at will. Poor Cindy (our friend living downstairs from us).

MWAHHHH!!!!!!!! from Sean Lorenz on Vimeo.

And she's also started sitting up! Who's the biggest girl? WHO IS??

Sit, Brooklyn, sit! Good girl. from Sean Lorenz on Vimeo.


  1. Stay tuned for Riley's response to the sitting video with a lot more tipping over. Fenway's response video may also be on its way...

  2. Colum makes the same noise... I think they just like to hear themselves talk! He now does it REALLY REALLY loud and then really really quiet. LOL.

    Great job with the sitting up... before you know it she's be crawling around and pulling herself up to a standing position (then all hell breaks loose!)

    What a little angle she is.. we need to have a play date! : )
